Today I had my soul crushed, as I realized that I am not a naturally born tele skier.
At 5 o'clock Mike T, Dano, and myself headed up to race point, the (3,300' in 1.5 miles) peak behind my house. The thing is an absolute crusher and my thighs and heart were feeling this week's previous efforts. Our goal was to climb race point, then ski in the alpine bowl on its backside. No matter that I've never tele skied and we were going to be on terrain that would be challenging for me w/ alpine skis.Hiked up in shorts, took a few summit photos, changed and were ready to rock!
I don't want to go into too much detail except to say that the best photos weren't ever taken due to the conditions and the fact that I was often face first in the snow. The sights were sweet, the mountain commanded respect and The bowl was HUGE, steep, and scary. We made our way down one at a time, watching each other in case something happened. Luckily I was w/ two very experienced mountaineers/skiers, and we were careful to be safe.The video below shows Dano taking some turns.
I didn't learn how to tele ski (though I pulled off a few right turns) but I did learn some humility while feeling more inept than I EVER have before...all in a beautiful alpine environment w/ a trail head that is 4 blocks from my house. Good night lower 48.
Are there any cool coffee shops up there? If so, I'm on my way. A good Double Americano and those views...I would be set!